Over the past year, in response to feedback provided by unit leaders and others, Bay-Lakes Council has made a number of significant changes to the summer camping program throughout our Council. We’ve improved the food, changed the programming, improved the customer service provided by our staffs, developed leader guides which in the hands of leaders a full year ahead of time and reduced camp fees to make them more competitive with other Scout camps throughout the State. In addition, the facilities are getting a makeover, adding new buildings and refurbishing the camp properties.
In short, we have addressed the **continued** things leaders told us were causing them to choose out-of-Council camps for their unit’s summer camping experience. We even test-drove the new model this summer in the midst of a COVID pandemic. We received rave reviews!
Now it’s your turn. Bay-Lakes Council needs your help.
It’s no surprise that funds generated by camp fees allows our Council to pay for youth programming and facilities. For us to continue to provide the type of programming that we would all like to see, we need our camps full. As a Council, we are beginning an initiative to get units signed up for Camp 2021, which happens to be the 100th anniversary of Scouting in Bay-Lakes Council (and its predecessors). The first step has begun, units are being contacted directly to ask for their support, and get their units signed up for camp. The next step will be to market our camps to out-of-Council units.
This is a great initiative and one which I believe we all should support. Remember, some weeks fill up more quickly than others. I would urge you not to wait, contact the Council office now to get your preferred camp dates and locations confirmed.
Thank you for your consideration and for all the things you do to make a difference in the lives of the Scouts of Bay-Lakes Council.
Roy LaPean
Council Commissioner
Remember, Clyde is your go-to sources for all your commissioner questions. Send him a note at BAYLAKESCOMMISSIONERHELP@GMAIL.COM.