In recent Guide issues and separate communications, the Key 3 leaders tried to impress upon each of us the need to have all our units attend summer camp in Council to support our efforts towards continuing to improve our camps and programming. Financially, we cannot support four fullservice Scout camps without our members using those camps. 
To date, 60 percent of our units have camp reservations. However, one-third of those units are planning to attend out-of-council camps. If that trend continues, we will be forced to make some hard decisions about our properties. <Continued>
Tremendous efforts have gone into rebuilding and improving damaged buildings, new facilities, and improved programming and staff training. All this is being done with the goal of helping our camps flourish, and to continue to provide outstanding opportunities for our Scouts. But we need everyone pulling in the same direction at this critical time. “Next year we’ll do it”, may be too late. We need everyone’s support today…and look forward to you all helping us meet that challenge!   
If you have questions, or would like the opportunity to help even more,  by serving on one of our teams,  just send me an email to
Rod Goldhahn
Council President
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