Join us in congratulating these recent Bay-Lakes Council Eagle Scouts:
Caesyn Ahl, from Troop 927 in Two Rivers, completed his Eagle Board of Review on Nov. 17, 2021. For his project he constructed three eight-foot handicapped picnic tables for the Mishicot (WI) Sportsmen’s Club. In his words, “Making the tables was an all-day project but with the help of all my Troop members and adults, we got it done . The tables are loved by lots of community members also anyone can use them which is great.” A Court of Honor is planned for next month. His Scoutmaster is Nic Bordermann.

Tyler Fairchild, from Troop 44 Kimberly, completed his Eagle Board of Review on Nov. 21 2021. For his project, a book walk for the Village of Kimberly was created. In his words, “We put up 25 book stands around the pond in Kimberly the story walk sees about 6 different stories a month.” His Scoutmaster is Brian Fairchild.
Submit your Eagle Board of Honor news by sending an email to Warren Kraft or by using our Submit A Story link. Help us continue to tell the great stories of Scouting.