Join us in congratulating these recent Bay-Lakes Council Eagle Scouts:
Adynn Pierce, Troop 874 of Plymouth, WI, Lakeshore District
Nicholas “Nick” Shircel, Troop 851 of Plymouth, WI, Lakeshore District
Matthew Younger, Troop 1024 of Oconto Falls, WI, Northern Lites District
Nathan Younger, Troop 1024 of Oconto Falls, WI, Northern Lites District
Tyler Younger, Troop 1024 of Oconto Falls, WI, Northern Lites District
Adynn Pierce, Troop 874 of Plymouth, Lakeshore District, completed his Eagle Board on January 6, 2022. His project was completed at Generations, an Intergenerational Center in Plymouth. In his words, “My Project was to improve the drainage and water retention system along with rebuilding the frog pond habitat in front of the Center. I had to take out the old drainage system and put in a new system with a connection directly from the building downspout underground to the frog pond. I put field stones around the enlarged pond area. I also improved the landscaping aesthetics in the area with edging to separate the grass from the mulch bed, planted flowers and plants around the pond and laid down new mulch in the area. There is an on-site daycare and 4K program and the children enjoy walking past the pond to observe the frogs. Thanks to my Troop and leaders for their help with the project!” Adynn plans his Court of Honor this coming summer. His Scoutmaster is Mr. Robert Flaig.
Nicholas “Nick” Shircel, Troop 851 of Plymouth, Lakeshore District, completed his Eagle Board of Review on December 22, 2021. His Eagle Scout Project was an outdoor worship space from Ebenezer United Church of Christ in Sheboygan. His his words, “We constructed a paver path leading from the parking lot to a rectangular presentation area. This was to ensure accessibility by anyone in the congregation. Just behind that, we constructed a beautiful stone communion altar and did some landscaping. This project was instrumental in the continuation of outdoor services during the COVID-19 pandemic at Ebenezer. On the main day of the project, we also completed several other outdoor projects around the church grounds. In the months following the completion of the project, we received numerous compliments and appreciation for the project. Additional money raised was given back to the church for additional outdoor landscaping and projects.” His Scoutmaster has been Scott Curtiss. (We offer our thoughts and prayers to Mr. Curtiss’ family and friends upon his unexpected and sudden passing last month.) Nick plans a Court of Honor this spring.
Three brothers from Troop 1024 of Oconto Falls, Northern Lites District, achieved the Eagle rank last year. Their Scoutmaster is Jeff Wolford.
Matthew Younger completed his Boards of Review on September 7, 2021. His project made two little free libraries for Lena Library and a free food pantry for St Anne’s Church in Lena.
Nathan Younger completed his Board of Review on December 8, 2021. He created agility items like a ramp, jumps, and a teeter totter along with cat scratch posts for Oconto Area Humane Society.
Tyler Younger also completed his Board of Review on December 8, 2021. He made sensory boards to help autistic people and had them erected in a local park for park and recreation department. A court of honor is scheduled for this spring.
We feature those Eagles who submit their Eagle Board of Honor news.
Please send an email to Warren Kraft or use our Submit A Story Link.
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