Are you ready to sell!? Here are some tips to set your unit up for a successful 2022 Popcorn sale!
- Schedule a fun kick-off to get the Scouts and their families excited for the sale.
- Communicate clear goals to families
- Make the kick-off high-energy: include games, music, jokes, etc.
- Offer prizes for the Scouts (in addition to the Council prizes). Ideas include: do a weekly raffle for Scouts who make sales, do a contest for Scouts to fill their order forms, most online sales, etc.
- Pass out materials (if not done so already)
- Make sure you have your show and sell locations secured for your Scouts to sell. If you are interested, you can now register for as many Council-managed Show and Sell slots with the Show and Sell Sign-Up link.
- Here are some ideas for other show and sell locations to secure to sell: local hardware stores, home improvement stores, Walmart, gas stations, Packers games, local sporting games, craft fairs, farmers markets, high school football games.
- Make sure you have the dates of the sale out to your families so no deadlines are missed.
- Are your Scouts signed up for online sales? View the tutorial on how to get them signed up.
As always, remember to bookmark the 2022 Popcorn Sale web page, it is full of great information to help you be successful for your sale.
Have a great weekend and please reach out to me, Nikki Woolf, or your district popcorn team with any questions!
Kallee Kissling