Bay-Lakes Council is pleased to announce the formation of the Bay-Lakes Council Amateur Radio Club. The Bay-Lakes Council ARC is dedicated to advancing the radio sciences, the growth of our members, and fostering international friendship and fellowship with Scouts everywhere. The Bay-Lakes Amateur Radio Club is licensed with the Federal Communication Commission and has obtained the call sign WI9BSA.

What is Amateur Radio?

Amateur Radio (or Ham Radio) is the original social network. It’s a form of communication that allows users to talk locally, or globally, without any need for an infrastructure. It’s a STEM activity that incorporates various academic disciplines into one of the most rewarding hobbies in existence.

What can Scouts do with Amateur Radio?

• Jamboree on the Air – talk to over 2 million Scouts from over 170 countries.
• Use APRS technology to track a Unit’s position while hiking where cell service is poor.
• Scout Nets (on the air meetings)
• Talk to Astronauts
• Send a selfie anywhere using SSTV
• Earth-Moon-Earth bounce
• Order a pizza
• Send an email without Internet using Winlink
• Send a Radiogram
• Weather spotting (Skywarn)
• Antenna building
• “Fox Hunting”
• Emergency communications
• Release and track a Pico balloon

We are cordially inviting all interested Scouts and Scouters to join the Bay-Lakes Council Amateur Radio Club. Its free to join and is open to all adults and youth registered with Bay-Lakes Council.

Regular Membership – For those with an FCC Amateur Radio License
Associate Membership – For those who are not Amateur Radio Operators but would like to help further the mission of the Bay-Lakes Council ARC. If you are interested in becoming a licensed Amateur Radio Operator, we would love to help you on your journey.

You can join today by visiting www.blc-arc.org and clicking “Join” at the top of the page.

Club Initiatives:

Training and Licensing:
• Ham Cram & Exam Sessions in every District
• Recruit ARRL Volunteer Examiners
• Recognize Radio Operators with the BSA Amateur Radio Operator rating strip, Morse Code Interpreter Strip, and the Community Organization Square Knot.

Public Engagement:
• Jamboree on the Air
• Assist units with advancement and unit programming
• FEMA/Red Cross activations
• Marathon race communication support
• CQ Santa – Help Cub Scouts and siblings talk to Santa Clause on the air.
• Representing Bay-Lakes Council at Hamfests
• Maintain an Amateur Radio station at all Bay-Lakes Council Camps.

For more information, please visit www.blc-arc.org, or join our Facebook Group by clicking here.