Join us in congratulating these recent Bay-Lakes Council Eagle Scouts:
Colt Hagen, Troop 121, Pickford MI, Hiawathaland District
Lucas Manke, Troop 135, Appleton WI, Gathering Waters District
Josiah Marston, Troop 3, Neenah-Menasha WI, Gathering Waters District
Colt Hagen, a member of Troop 121, chartered by the Pickford Lions Club of Pickford MI, completed his Eagle Board of Review on August 27, 2024. Colt’s Eagle Scout project, located at the Pickford Township Park, created a dedicated area for the citizens of Pickford, American Legion, VFW, or any other organization a place to respectfully retire worn or faded American flags. His unit leaders are Eric Gallentine (Scoutmaster) and Larry Hagen (Assistant Scoutmaster.) Colt’s Eagle Court of Honor is expected next spring.
Lucas Manke is a member of Troop 135, chartered by the Kiwanis Club of Darboy Inc.-Appleton.
Lucas completed his Eagle Board of Review on October 17, 2024.
His Eagle project in his own words: “Lead a tab drive of aluminum can tabs and donate them to the Ronald McDonald House and my goal was 100 pounds of tabs. I achieved 132 pounds. This will raise funds to maintain shelters and supply food and water for families with sick children so they can stay together in their time of need. I will also lead the completion of 7 collection boxes to collect tabs for Ronald McDonald House for years to come. I will ask schools and area businesses to house these collection boxes and when full deliver the tabs to the Appleton Police Department who is a Ronald McDonald House collection center. During my tab drive and finding places to house these collection boxes, I want to educate the people on the benefits of donating to Ronald McDonald House and how they benefit families. Here is a link that Ronald McDonald House did about my story and project….https://rmhc-easternwi.org/pulling-together-for-rmhc/.
His unit leader is Paul Rasmussen.
Lucas’s Eagle Court of Honor is yet to be scheduled.
Josiah Marston is a member of Troop 3, chartered by St. Thomas Episcopal Church, of Neenah-Menasha, WI.
Josiah completed his Eagle Board of Review on September 19,2024.
His Eagle project in his own words: “I organized my school to collect socks and organized my troop and family to make 30 fleece tie blankets. After collecting the socks and making the blankets I packed them up and my family and I took them along with us on our summer vacation to be delivered to the Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church in Inuvik, Northwest Territories, Canada. In order to make this delivery, we drove nearly 3,500 miles crossing all of western Canada, traveling up the Alaska Highway, Klondike Highway and then on to the Dempster Highway which is a 600 mile long gravel road that crosses the Arctic Circle. We arrived in Inuvik and delivered the blankets on August 1, 2024. The church held a potluck dinner and invited members who had been Scouts in their youth. We met Scouts from Ireland, The Philippines, The Czech Republic, and Canada. Inuvik is a low income, Arctic community, of mostly indigenous residents who are members of the Gwich’in, Inuvialuit, and Metis People. These blankets and socks will help keep them warm during the brutal winters they experience on the tundra.”
His unit leader is Jeremy Searl.
Josiah’s Eagle Court of Honor will be scheduled in early 2025.
We feature those Eagles who submit their Eagle Board of Review news.
Please send an email to Warren Kraft or use our Submit A Story Link and help us continue to tell the great stories of Scouting.