All are invited to enjoy a family friendly event for both our Scouting, and non-Scouting families alike.  All Bay-Lakes Council members, as well as the general public, are encouraged to take part!

Participating is as easy as 1, 2, 3  (Not all steps required…participate as you wish).
  1. Join us at on Wednesday, April 1st for a 30 minute campfire program at 6:30 PM CST.
  2. Send us a photo of your best Blanket Tent/Fort creation that you plan on camping out in your living room by 5:30 PM, on April 1st, and/or your best 2 minute video to enter into our Best Campfire/Song/Skit Contest by Noon on March 31st! Winners will be featured during the Campfire Program and all appropriate entries will be made available for viewing.
  3. Enjoy your evening on April 1st!  Customize your evening further by grilling hot dogs, eating a Dutch Oven cooked meal, making S’mores, watching Follow Me Boys on Amazon Video, or drinking Hot Chocolate, etc.
For further information, to access registration, and view all required links, go to