Welcome to the fun and adventure of Cub Scouts. Your time volunteering as a Den Leader will be both rewarding and fun. You might have enthusiastically volunteered for the position. Or maybe you found yourself talked into it because you want to help out and nobody else stepped forward. Whatever the case, I want to welcome you to the world of Scouting in the Bay-Lakes Council.
The next question on your mind is “Now what do I do?”
If you are not familiar with the program, some things might seem a little confusing at first, so it is important to have somebody you can ask questions of. Don’t worry about sounding silly. Any Den Leader who has been around a few years has probably asked plenty of unusual questions themselves.
The role of a commissioner is to help leaders, and the units they serve be successful. A Unit Commissioner, assigned to your unit, will work with you as a new leader to slow things down, explain and simplify things and help you get started. They’ll make sure you get the training you need, guide you through the wealth of program information the BSA has available and offer a few “insider” tips and tricks we’ve learned along the way.
Below, you will find simplified meeting plans to take you through the rest of the year. You can choose to follow these plans or create your own. That’s up to you.
Finally, if you are really stuck, call on Commissioner Clyde! Clyde runs our Commissioner Help Hotline at BayLakesCommissionerHelp@gmail.com He’ll field the toughest questions and send a commissioner your way to help get them solved.
If you have any questions or wish to suggest additional content on this page, please contact us at BayLakesCommissionerHelp@gmail.com.
Congratulations on your new role and Thank You! for giving your precious time and energy to the Cub Scouts of Bay-Lakes Council.
Your Commissioner Team