Short-Term Camp Administrator



Joshua Anderson
Program Director
920-734-5705 ext. 129

Scott Domino
Director of Support Services
920-734-5705 ext. 111

What is a BSA Short-Term Camp: A short-term camp is any council-organized overnight camping program, whether one-time or continuing, that is one, two or three nights in length where the council or its agents provide the staffing and may provide program and food services, and includes camps conducted off council properties. National training courses are subject to the short-term camp requirements, regardless of format or duration.

What is a Short-Term Camp Administrator: This person is responsible for ensuring that the planned camp complies with the NCAP Short-term Camp Standards. This means walking the property to ensure that it is appropriate for the event; ensuring that paperwork is filed and any written BSA approvals are completed and obtained through the council; confirms facilities and program are safe and in good order before starting operation; and that appropriate health, safety and sanitation provisions are made. This individual also ensures that all activities at the short-term camp comply with the applicable BSA National Camp Standards. This person is not a member of the event staff for a camp they are administering.

How do you become a Short-Term Administrator:

  • Must be nominated by the appropriate Council or District committee chair. Send nominations to
  • Nomination for appointment to be submitted for approval to the Council NCAP chair.
  • Successfully complete the national training course for certification.
  • Commit to performing the duties required of the position for a minimum of one event per year.
  • Appointment as an administrator is for 1 year and may be extended on an annual basis.
  • Training certification is for 2 years.
Request a Short-Term Administrator for your Event

We will be holding the Short-Term Camp Administrator March 20 from 9 am – 4 pm CT. Nominations to be a Short-Term Administrator can be sent to

Request trained program support for your event

Have questions about NCAP or being a Short-Term Administrator?

Complete the form below and a member of our NCAP Team will reach out to you.
Contact us by filling out the form below.