Michael Alberts2023-12-08T08:07:28-06:00
Silver Beaver Nomination for the 2023 Class
Michael Alberts2023-12-08T08:07:28-06:00December 8th, 2023|Communications, Gathering Waters, Hiawathaland, Kettle Country, Lakeshore, Ledge to Lakes, Northern Lites, Twin Lakes, Voyageur|
It is that time of year to start reflecting on all the efforts of volunteers across the council and districts as we prepare to select the 2023 Silver Beaver Class to be recognized [...]
Shannon Ash2023-11-16T17:06:39-06:00
The Guide Council Newsletter: November 16, 2023 Edition
Shannon Ash2023-11-16T17:06:39-06:00November 16th, 2023|Communications, The Guide|
Shannon Ash2023-10-26T14:27:46-05:00
The Guide Council Newsletter: October 26, 2023 Edition
Shannon Ash2023-10-26T14:27:46-05:00October 26th, 2023|Communications, The Guide|