Here’s What’s New for 2021
Camping is the heart of the Scouting program and through outdoor experiences, Scouts build character, learn important new skills, practice leadership, and build the character values of the Scout Oath and Law. Bay-Lakes Council operates four camp properties that each offer something unique for you and your unit.
Quick Hits: Remember that all Early Bird pricing ends on April 15! To apply for a 2021 Bay-Lakes Council Summer Camp Campership, visit this link, click here. The deadline to apply for campership is March 15.
Based on feedback from our campers, we have been the following changes/improvements for 2021:
- Reduced fees at all camps.
- Customer service focused staff ready to serve and ensure a great program.
- Expanded program options including new merit badges at Bear Paw and Camp Hiawatha, Rock throwing at Gardner Dam, and more time for Cub Scout adventures at Camp Rokilio.
- Facility improvements at all camps including a new multi-purpose dining hall at Gardner Dam, new buildings at Bear Paw, a new Ecology area at Camp Hiawatha, and several building improvements at Camp Rokilio.
REFUNDS: We want to ensure that all families feel safe and comfortable sending their children to camp this summer. If a family decides to cancel due to health risk, we will refund all fees paid if the request is received at least two weeks in advance of your camp session. Refunds after this date will be considered on a case-by-case basis and the most refunded will be 50%.
Register and learn more online. Questions can be emailed to or call the Center for Scouting’s Program Deparment at (920) 734-5705.
Catching up with Brit
Brit Burmeister returns for her second year directing the Webelos Resident Camp at Gardner Dam Scout Camp. She provided this update:
“Gardner Dam Scout Camp is extremely excited for the summer of 2021. With a theme like ‘Operation: Mission Possible’ we are taking our program to a whole new level. We are in the middle of our hiring process, as well as, designing an excellent program. June will be here before you know it and we can’t wait!”
If you haven’t checked out our application to be on staff, head to the Bay-Lakes Council camp website or apply now online.
Mission Possible: 2021 –Webinars Scheduled
There is ice on Bear Paw, Big Cedar and Bunting Lakes, plus ice covering the Wolf River. But it is never too early to think about summer camp. The 2021 Summer Camp Webinars will be held on the Bay-Lakes Council Facebook page on February 24, March 31 and April 28. Sessions for Cub Scouts and Webelos will begin at 6:00 PM Central and at 7:00 PM Central for Scouts BSA units. Mark your calendars now and set a reminder to watch these webinars. This will be an excellent opportunity to ask any questions you may have about camp.
Discover the adventure for Cub Scouts and Webelos here. For Scouts BSA, click here for Bear Paw Scout Camp and click here for Camp Hiawatha. All merit badge schedules and leaders guides are located at the bottom of each camp webpage. Make your reservation now, and get your preferred campsite or building. On each camps’ page where you find the leader guides, click on the menu item “Make a Reservation” at the top right of the page, and select your camp from the drop-down menu. Make your reservations by email to, or by phone to Laura Martin at (920) 734-5705.
Apply for Summer Camp Staff
For as much fun as our scouts and leaders have at summer camp, there is a special camaraderie and satisfaction being on staff. Applications are still being taken for a wide array of positions at all four camps. The process is simple and will take less than three minutes. Follow this link and begin the extra special journey of a Scouting lifetime. See you there!