I know its early, but to me, it feels like Spring is just around the corner. Last year at this time, we were entering into the unknown of a global pandemic. People were scared and not sure what to expect. This year feels entirely different. COVID-19 numbers in our area are decreasing. Many schools are opening, putting students back in the classroom. We have all learned Zoom and we have found out that we can function pretty well when we are socially distanced and wearing masks.
What I am really excited about is the re-emergence of Scouting as we know it in Bay-Lakes Council. <Continued> The Program Team has assembled a Spring schedule full of activities for Scouts, including Maple Syrup Days, three Council Camporees, Leader Training, OA Spring Conferences, Bay Jammer, the Scouting for Food Drive, and more. Then — on to the Summer! All of our Council’s camps will be open. While continuing to follow safety precautions, programming options for Scouts will be opening up. This will allow Scouts to experience camp life much like they are used to.
Speaking of camps, it is especially important to the Council that units consider Bay-Lakes Council camps as their first option for this Summer’s camping experience. The Council has spent a lot of time over the past two years listening to units express their ideas on ways to improve our camping programs. We have listened. Time, energy, and finances have been expended. Not only have the camp infrastructures been improved with new and refurbished buildings and program areas, but the programming, staff, and food elements have also received a lot of attention. We believe you’ll love the changes!
Let me be honest. We need our camps filled this Summer to help us replenish some of the funds that we have expended on behalf of our units. The ability to sustain ourselves financially allows Bay-Lakes Council to continue to provide the types of programs our Scouts deserve. More importantly, the camps want to show off their new attitudes and programs. Camp staff are just itching to have some fun with your Scouts.
Having been a Scoutmaster, I know how the process for selecting a camp and preparing the Troop for camp works. I also know that you, as leaders, have a tremendous amount of influence on your Scouts and their parents as they consider their Summer camping options.
Please join us this Summer and sign up today! Thank you in advance for your consideration and thank you for all that you do for the Scouts of Bay-Lakes Council.
Roy LaPean
Council Commissioner