Every fall I get excited about all the young people that are joining our Packs and Troops and I become so proud of all the Scouting volunteers that will bring the program to life for all these young Scouts. Every fall I am grateful to the parents that join our program, the youth leaders that share their passion for leading their patrol or troop and our Scouting volunteers and staff that give so much of their time, talent and treasure.
Every fall I realize how wonderful life is when you have decided to live in the Scouting world that we create together.
Will Rogers once said, “The problem with the Scouts is that there aren’t enough of them.” He was right.
As I watch the flyers being crafted across the hall from my office and then see volunteers and staff taking them to deliver, I become reflective about what it means for us to be in our primary recruiting season. To me, it means that the time is now for us to give every family the opportunity to join our program, sit around our campfire, and learn the joy that comes from living a life guided by the Scout Oath and Law.
Thank you for all you do to make Scouting happen. May we be ever mindful that there is always another young person waiting near the head of the Scouting trail, waiting for us to invite them on this pathway to adventure, fun and honor.
Ralph Voelker
Bay-Lakes Council Scout Executive