Join us in congratulating these recent Bay-Lakes Council Eagle Scouts.
Trey Atkinson, of Troop 105 out of Sault Ste. Marie in the Hiawathaland District, completed his Eagle Board of Review on October 3, 2021. For his project, he worked with Dafter County, Michigan. In his words, “With help from fellow Scouts from Troop 105, built a new bench and sign for the Dafter Volunteer Fire Department.” An Eagle Court of Honor is expected next spring. His Scoutmaster is Dave Pine.

Maxwell Behrndt, of Troop 855 out of Port Washington in the Kettle Country District, completed his Board of Review on October 18, 2021. His project removed and rebuilt six horseshoe backboards and front boards at a local park. In his words, “I also raised money to purchase and install seating at both ends of the horseshoe pits. With my mentor, Tim Malouf, I built a PVC sign with the rules and scoring and a dedication to the community for their support. To help make this horseshoe park available for everyone to use I also purchased a few sets of horseshoes for the community to borrow from the Recreation Department. My project benefits the city of Port Washington and its residents but more specifically the Senior Citizens that have a horseshoe league there every summer and the high school kids that use the horseshoe pits during their physical education classes.” A Court of Honor will be planned for after the holidays. His Scoutmaster is Derek Strohl.
Lance Greicar, of Troop 840 out of Jackson in the Kettle Country District, competed his Board of Review on October 12, 2021. For his project, he built a kayak and canoe launch along the Milwaukee River at Ehlers park in Saukville for the Ozaukee Planning and Parks. In his words, “A steep part of the bank was converted to a gradual slope and completed with retaining walls of natural rock and a layer of sand.” A court of honor is planned for next month. His Scoutmaster is Greg Mathews.

Conner W. Hawley, of Troop 1139 out of Green Bay in the Voyageur District, completed his Board of Review on October 12, 2021. For his Eagle project, he built an Easter Vigil fire pit for Resurrection Catholic Parish of Green Bay. In his words, “The fire pit is only meant to be lit up once a year for the holiest mass of the year, the Easter Vigil.” Conner will have his Court of Honor during Thanksgiving weekend. His Scoutmaster is Neil Walker.
Colman Slattery, of Troop 927 out of Two Rivers in the Lakeshore District, completed his Board of Review on September 22, 2021. Colman’s Eagle project consisted of building a 12′ x 24′ pergola (shaded structure) along Mariners Trail in Two Rivers. In his words, “This overlooks a beautiful view of Lake Michigan. The pergola was donated to the City of Two Rivers for everyone to use and enjoy. I was able to work with the City of Two Rivers to plan where the concrete pad would be placed which they very generously donated. Another Eagle Scout assisted by donating wheelchair-accessible picnic benches for people to sit, have a picnic, or just enjoy the wonderful view of Lake Michigan. Along with that, I was able to donate some extra funds from my project back to the City of Two Rivers for some trees to be cleared out to enhance the wonderful view and a concrete pad that connects the pergola and the trail.” Colman plans a Court of Honor during December. His Scoutmaster is Nic Bornemann.