Hello Kernels!
We are heading into the 2023 popcorn sale full steam! Below are some hot topic reminders for this week!
- Scout Sale Kits – these materials were passed out at your District Membership/Popcorn Hype parties. If you were unable to attend, please reach out to your District Popcorn Team to connect to get the materials you need. Not sure who your District Popcorn team is? Not to worry, here is the link to their contact information: https://baylakesbsa.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/Popcorn-Kernels-Staff-Contacts-1.pdf. As soon as your Scouts receive their sales forms, they are welcome to start selling. Online sales are also open and ready for use!
- Show and Sell Ordering – Order is due August 27th by 11:59pm – The show and sell order is open and ready to take your orders on the Pecatonica River System. A couple reminders for you before you place your order:
- We suggest you order 80% of what your total sale was in 2022 as a starting point for your 2023 order. If you need help with putting an order together, check out the Suggested Order for Show and Sell workbook on the popcorn webpage.
- If you plan on ordering more than 80% of your total 2022 order, please communicate with me before doing so.
- The link to the sign-up genius for show and sell time slots at Festival Foods, Cabela’s and Pick n Save is up and ready for you to sign up. Click here: Show and Sell Sign-Up.
- Units are welcome to do show and sell at other locations – the above locations just asked that the sign-ups are coordinated through the Council.
- If you need a reminder on how to enter your Show and Sell order, watch this tutorial: https://pecatonicariverpopcorn.com/Tutorial_ScoutBoss.html
- Are you a brand-new unit this year selling popcorn?? AWESOME and welcome to the sale! Don’t forget you get $500 in free product to sell. You do not need to order this product; it will be at Show and Sell pick up for you.
Did you miss the August 15th Kick off training? No worries! You can still earn your 5% bonus commission by watching a recording of the training at https://youtu.be/CGHAE3zGeDM. Email Nikki or I that you watched the training and let us know the special phrase mentioned during the training, and you’ll be good to go!
And as always, make sure you have our popcorn webpage book marked for all your popcorn resources: https://baylakesbsa.org/popcorn/. Also, follow our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/groups/650399508887876.
Please reach out to me or your district leadership team with any questions! Looking forward to another great sale!