Good Morning!
I wanted to check in and see how everyone’s coffee sale is going and if there are any additional resources you’d like or questions you have.
A couple reminders:
- Coffee sells for $22, but when you visit the ordering website (https://scoutingevent.com/635-79648), you’ll notice prices are listed as $15.40. That is because that is the amount you will owe after your commission is removed.
- If you haven’t yet submitted your ACH information, please do so by Friday, April 5. The form can be found at https://247scouting.com/forms/?OrgKey=BSA635&id=3786.
- For additional resources, please visit https://baylakesbsa.org/springproductsale/.
Thank you for participating in the 2024 Spring Coffee Sale. Please let me know how I can help make your sale as successful as possible!
Have a great Wednesday!