The latest in a series designed to help Scout families, Scouts and those new to Scouting better understand what Scouting is, how it works,
and how to get the most out of the experience. For past articles, see back issues of The Guide.
Stepping Up and Stepping Out (cont.)
A provisional troop gathers those Scouts who cannot attend camp with their unit, or who want a summer camp experience for the second time. We had Scouts representing both female and male troops, most of whom did not know one another prior to arrival at camp. One scout stepped up to serve as Senior Patrol Leader and another jumped in as Assistant Senior Patrol Leader. All joined together to encourage one another as they tackled advancement and high adventure activities, participated fully in the competition of the week, and enjoyed a true Scouting experience. They competed in the triathlon, chess tournament, mile swim, water carnival, and other games and events. They created a skit for the final campfire. They provided service to the camp and did a great job supporting other troops and activities. What a wonderful experience for them and for us. We were also joined by other Scout leaders and parents for the week who provided transportation services, participated in events and helped with activities. Stepping out of comfort zones, meeting new people and working together, stepping up to leadership – all are examples of what Scouting strives to teach.
I have also bumped into Scouts stepping up in community events, representing the best in Scouting and service the larger community. Last night, a Pack represented Scouting at a National Night Out event. Another Pack provided activities at a Butterfly Festival for families. Others participated in community clean-up events, helped with Art and Music festivals and Car Shows. In each of these settings, our Scouts and their parents, families and adult leaders are stepping up to provide service, representing Scouting and promoting our values and the opportunity to join in the fun. It is essential for those of us who understand and value Scouting to share our experience with others, modeling the values we teach in the larger community and encouraging others to join in our work.
As we wind down the summer and look toward fall, I hope you take the time to celebrate the fun and meaningful time you have spent in Scouting with fellow adults and youth members. Please consider stepping up to provide leadership and support to your youth and those with whom they participate in Scouting. Find community events and activities where you can contribute with your Scouts in service to the event, providing activities and fun for others, representing Scouting and inviting others to join. This is the crucial time of the year when we offer membership to new families and youth, and it is so important to be present and participate. I heard a comment the other day from a pastor who said that people don’t leave clubs, they leave other people. Your engagement and active participation, welcoming and embracing others, stepping outside of your comfort zone and stepping up to model true Scouting values is vital to our continued success as an organization. A friend of mine regularly reminds others that LOVE is essential in any organization – Living Our Values Everyday. It is my fervent wish that we all take that message to heart and share our love of Scouting.
Thank you once again for entrusting your youth to Scouting and sharing your talent and treasure, and most importantly your time. By stepping up and stepping out, you become part of a movement that began more than a century ago, reinforcing the value of Scouting and the value of each member’s participation. Happy Scouting and may you have a successful year ahead. I’m looking forward to seeing you down the trail.