From the Assistant Council Commissioner
New Options for submitting Charter Renewal Applications
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced us to become more flexible and to adapt how we deliver Scouting. While that’s certainly been true for units, it’s also true for the Council.
To give units more options and flexibility with the annual charter renewal process, the Council will be adding new ways for units to turn in their completed charter renewal applications.
The new additional return options include:
1. Mail their completed renewal to the Council Center for Scouting at: 2555 Northern Road, Appleton, WI 54912.
2. Drop off at the Council Center for Scouting. Office hours are 8:00 am-4:00 pm Monday – Friday.
3. Drop off at one of the scheduled District Charter Turn-In events. Please note: There will not be a face-to-face review of the charter renewal materials at these events due to Covid-19 safety protocols.
4. Meet individually with a local Commissioner or District field professional Scouter at a mutually agreeable time and place.
Charter renewal applications should be returned in an envelope and clearly marked with the unit number and “Charter Renewal” so it is correctly routed. District Charter Turn-In events dates can be found on the Council calendar, subject to local health department guidelines.
Charter renewal applications need to be reviewed to make sure they are complete and mistake free before they can be submitted for processing. Applications that are mailed or dropped off will be reviewed at the Council office. An email will be sent confirming that either the application is defect free and ready for processing or that corrections need to be made. If corrections are necessary, the email will give details on what needs to be done to resolve the issue.
These additional options should make the charter renewal process a little more convenient during these challenging times. The council’s Internet Charter Renewal webpage gives you links to all the resources you’ll need to complete the charter renewal process.
Units should complete the charter renewal process and submit their applications no later than December 21.
Have questions about your unit’s charter renewal? Visit the updated information on the Internet Charter Renewal webpage, contact your Commissioner, or, send an email to
Yours in Scouting,
David Bainbridge
Assistant Council Commissioner
Charter Renewal Virtual Help Sessions
Join Assistant Council Commissioner, Dave Bainbridge, and Council Registrar, Jenn Neuville. for help with your unit charter renewal questions. During the sessions we will discuss some of the most frequently asked questions about the charter renewal process and online renewal system.
Following the FAQ session, Dave and Jenn will assist with individual questions posed by session attendees. Two virtual sessions will be available on the following dates. Click on the links for participation information: Monday, November 16 at 6:30 PM AND/OR Monday, December 7 at 6:30 PM.
Member Care Center Update
Center for Scouting Re-opens on November 19
To ensure the safety of our Scouting community, the Bay-Lakes Council Center for Scouting in Appleton will be closed through November 18, 2020. The office will reopen on Thursday, November 18, at 8:00 AM. Meanwhile, the Scout Shop is open for your business.
PLEASE NOTE: Both the Center for Scouting and Scout Shop will be closed Thursday & Friday, November 26-27, 2020, in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday.
COMMISSIONER CLYDE SEZ: “Let’s do something we can all agree on!”
In-Person Scouting Events and COVID-19
Joint Scouting for Food Effort Held in Ripon
On Saturday, November 7th, Ripon Scouting units conducted a highly successful food drive outside of Webster’s Marketplace (adjacent to the former K-mart). The food drive was a joint effort of Pack 3735, Troop 735, and Troop 6735.
Scouts greeted customers as they entered the grocery store, to remind them that the Scouts were collecting items as they left. Shoppers provided over 1,900 items and donated a total of $500 to support the Ripon Community Food Pantry. Find more details on Pack 3735’s Facebook page.
Every holiday season, there is need to share with others. In these times, the need is even greater. Contact your local food pantry to learn how you can help out. Click here to share your unit’s food drive success story with us!
A Salute to Our Veterans

Don’t Miss Religious Emblems Training
“A Scout is Reverent” is the 12th point of the Scout Law. Scouting offers a robust religious emblems program through its partners. Counselors are always needed to assist Scouts as they explore their religious faith.
The annual Religious Emblems Training will be Thursday, November 19, from 6:30-8:00 PM Central. This event will be conducted via ZOOM and you will need to pre-register to attend. To get more information and register, click here.
Contact Chris Brandt at with any questions.
Scouting@Home: Online Merit Badges
Scoutmaster Mark Fessenden will be once again offering Virtual Merit Badge Classes. The following Merit Badges have been scheduled for the following dates:
Citizenship in the Nation: Nov. 17 & Dec. 1
Genealogy: Dec. 12
Citizenship In the World: Dec. 15 & Dec. 29
Citizenship in the Community: Jan. 26 & Feb. 9
Next on deck will be Law, Cooking, and Scouting Heritage, with more classes offered for Genealogy, Citizenship in the Community, and Citizenship in the Nation. Each Merit Badge Class will be limited to 15 or fewer Scouts, with the remaining put on a waiting list to receive preference for the next opportunity. Additional Merit Badge Counselors are being recruited to offer additional sessions. The cost for Bay-Lakes Council Scouts is $15 per class and is non-refundable. Visit our Scouting@Home webpage to register for a class or to see what is being offered.
Thank you to Mr. Fessenden and your team!
Last Call for Virtual Fall Trivia Night

Don’t miss the virtual Fall Trivia Night on Friday, November 20th. The competition will be steep, as we will have questions on everything from history to sports, geography, movies, maybe a Scout question or two, and so much more!
You don’t have to know any Scouting facts – it will all be general knowledge trivia, but is guaranteed to be a great time! The best part is, you can do it from the comfort of your own home!
The prize will be a $100 gift card to a local establishment of the winning team’s choice.
All proceeds will support your local Boy Scouts of America Council. Thank you for your support to help keep Scouting moving forward in your community! Details, rules, and registration can be found here.
Giving Tuesday is December 1, 2020
GIVE NOW through Tuesday, December 1, 2020, and support local Scouting!
A brand new Bay-Lakes Council pop-up shop has opened — just in time for the holidays! This year has been hard for so many of us, including the council. Our goal is to offer you Bay-Lakes Council merchandise to share with Scouters in your family.
Not only is your purchase functional and stylish, it will also keep you warm and support Scouting locally. For each item purchased, $5.00 will be donated directly back to Bay-Lakes Council.
CLICK HERE to start your holiday shopping with Bay-Lakes Council merchandise. Thank you so much for your support. Together we will #ScoutOn!
Eagle Scout Spotlight
By the end of last week (Oct 23.), 194 Scouts completed their Eagle boards of review. In the last GUIDE, we highlighted two members of the First Female Eagle Class in Bay-Lakes Council. In this issue we want to highlight other Scouts who have reached this prestigious rank.
2021 Summer Camp Director Announcement
If you haven’t signed up to attend camp yet, do so at
ScoutsBSA Summer Camp Registration is Open
Be a part of the year-long celebration of 100 years of Scouting in Bay-Lakes Council at 2021 summer camp. Prices are reduced for next summer. The Leader’s Guides are available on the Bay-lakes Camps website. Make your reservation now and get your preferred campsite or building.
On the page where you find the Leader’s Guides, click on menu item “Make a Reservation” at the top right of the page, and then select your camp from the drop-down menu. Send a message to or call Laura Martin at (920) 734-5705 if you have any questions or need help with registration.
2021 Cub Scout and Webelos Summer Camp Registration Opens December 5th
A deposit of just $10 per person will be due upon registration. Staff will be available by phone at (920) 734-5705 to provide assistance and answer questions.
Follow this link for registration assistance and frequently asked questions.
Distinguished Conservation Award
National has just released the details of the new Distinguished Conservation Award, which takes the place of the former Hornaday Award. The new Distinguished Conservation Service Award is geared toward a Scout conducting 2 projects.
With the William T. Hornaday Award, a badge could be earned if a Scout conducted one service project. When the Boy Scouts of America’s National office made the decision to drop the Hornaday Award, it was decided to make some changes to help increase the number of Scouts willing to work on the awards. Scouting’s higher awards required up to 4 projects, which was a major time commitment. It was believed that more Scouts would be willing to do two projects, making achieving the award more attainable. In doing this, a few levels we eliminated to avoid all of the confusion and duplication of awards.
Wood Badge 2021 Registration is Now Open

It is not an inherent quality that makes these units, teams, or people effective or efficient. Rather, it is leadership: whether at the personal, team, or organizational level, an individual with a vision; the ability to communicate it clearly; the willingness to let others contribute to it; and the drive to make a plan and work it provide advantages to the organizations, teams, and home to which that person belongs.
If that is the impact you want to have on your Scout unit, then Wood Badge is the training for you. Learn more about Wood Badge here and to begin your registration today!
STEM Challenge #4: Catapults
Are you ready to accept the Knight’s Challenge? This is STEM Challenge #4 and it’s all about catapults!
There are categories for every Scout from Lions & Tigers to Venturing & Sea Scouting. Don’t forget to try for some medieval bonus points! We can’t wait to see you charge the castle completing this Challenge.
There are many ways to complete the STEM Challenges, your imagination and the laws of physics are your only limitations. Please remember to follow all safety guidelines.
Check out the STEM Challenge video demonstration below with an example of how to complete the Knight’s Catapult Challenge, then download the Catapult Guidelines and Scoresheet to see how you can maximize your points.
Register today to participate in this or any of our past challenges!
Cooking Corner With Mr. K: Bratwurst Hash
Mr. K has released his latest recipe — the hearty and delicious BRATWURST HASH! Check out all of the delicious Brat flavors available at Miesfeld’s. Once you have picked your favorite flavor, download the recipe and watch his video demonstration for cooking instructions. Scoutmaster K shows you how good it looks.
National Virtual Induction Weekend
Online Gathering Elects New Lodge Officers
Lodge members gathered virtually last Sunday, Nov. 8, to welcome the newly inducted members of the Order of the Arrow. The OA Region Chief, Patrick McInerney, from Illinois, was the guest speaker. Youth members elected their 2021 Lodge Officers, who will start their term of office January 1.
2021 LODGE OFFICERS: Lodge Chief: Jack Salzwedel; Vice-Chief, Program: Thomas Crow; Vice-Chief, Inductions: Milo Rades; Treasurer: Anthony Breimon.
Lodge Leader Development Meeting
All Order of the Arrow members are invited to participate in the Lodge Leadership Development program to be held December 5. The program will include leadership training, guest speakers, fun and games, door prizes and more. Participants will be involved in planning programs for the Lodge in 2021. Watch for details and registration information to be sent to all OA members.
Virtual Brotherhood Ceremony
Looking Ahead
Given the ever-changing health circumstances and the differences between the regions of the Bay-Lakes Council, events listed here may be cancelled, postponed or moved to a virtual opportunity if possible. Please remember to verify with the event coordinator whether this activity has been postponed or moved to an online presence. You can check all Scouting events on the council calendar.
- Nov. 17: Bay-Lakes Council Museum ZOOM Meeting, 6:30–8:00 PM Contact Dale Opgenorth to attend.
- Nov. 18: Voyageur District Cub Scout Leader Basic Training – cancelled
- Nov. 19: Religious Emblems Training
- Nov. 20: Fall Trivia Night
- Nov. 26-27: Center for Scouting & Appleton Scout Shop Closed for Thanksgiving
- Dec. 1: Giving Tuesday
- Dec 11: Fall Popcorn Sale – Late Order Distribution
- Feb. 27, 2021: Save the Date for the 47th Annual Winter Amidships
You can find more events right here. (Hint, in the upper left, click on grid view for easier viewing.)
Holiday Publication of The Guide
To allow for more family time over the upcoming holidays, we will only be publishing one issue of The Guide Council Newsletter, both this month and in December. Any breaking news or important updates will be shared accordingly.
Final Thoughts…
Scouter Gone Home
As a “young buck” Scout leader, he seemed like a “crusty old man” when we were first introduced. But his calm demeanor and even steadier speaking style quickly erased any concerns. For the next decades, any opportunity with Louis Milsted was a chance to know Scouting from one of the finest. He passed away.
From his death notice, a summary of his Scouting career: He served as a Camp Rokilio staff member and director, scoutmaster and staff member for 10 National Scout Jamborees and as a staff member (including a two-time course director) for 10 Wood Badge training courses, the adult Scout leader education program. He was on the staff of the 2007 World Scout Jamboree in England. He also served on numerous committees and staffs during his Scouting career. Earning the Eagle Scout Award, he served as the Troop 861 charter Scoutmaster for 27 years, and on the Bay-Lakes Council Executive Board as the Council Commissioner, Program Vice President, International Representative and Member at large. Louis was presented the Silver Beaver Award, Lamb Award, Distinguished Commissioner Award, District Award of Merit, the National Eagle Scout Association Eagle Scoutmaster Award, the Silver Antelope Award and was a James E. West Fellow.
All those accomplishments, activities and awards meant nothing to Louis because his singular focus was on scouts. And, ensuring leaders were appropriately trained and mentored to help deliver Souting at its best. More than once, he shared with me, his best reward was a written note (yes, back in the days when we did that thing) from someone thanking him for his impact and influence; sometimes years later. If he kept those, his scrapbooks must require extra storage, for they are numerous and he touched so very many people. Thank you, Louis, and rest in peace. Rest well indeed, Louis, and enjoy that perpetual campfire.
In the Spirit of Adventure,
Warren Kraft
Bay-Lakes Council Vice President-Program Development
Adventure beyond the Expected