The first is that there is a lot of enthusiasm for Scouting in Bay-Lakes Council.  Youth and adults alike were happy to be back in camp and doing the things they love most about Scouting.  You could see it in their smiles, hear it in their laughter, and feel it as they talked about their experiences. The attention that was given to improving our camp facilities, programming and staffing were noticed and greatly appreciated.  IT FELT GOOD!

Secondly, the leaders and parents we talked to all recognized that the success of this Fall’s recruitment campaign is vital to the long-term success of Scouting in Bay-Lakes Council. Everyone agreed that this has to be an all-out effort, with everyone doing what they can to help. They like the focus being placed on recruiting youth at the Cub level, identifying and developing new Den Leaders and providing support to units that are struggling. They also appreciate the fact that the membership, training, commissioner, and professional teams are united and working together to lead this effort.

But, to truly make this Fall’s recruitment a success, we need every volunteer to join in. People join organizations because of the people they see already involved. Youth want to spend time with youth who are having fun and doing things. It is the same for adults. You know your unit, your neighborhood, and your community better than anyone. So, reach out to your neighbors, invite them and their children in and help them to connect with Scouting. We can’t do it without you.

Finally, there was a recognition that we need to take a fresh look at our volunteer leadership. We need district and council volunteer leaders who are reflective of the ages and styles of the folks who lead our units in order to sustain our council for the future. These leaders would drive events and activities, design recruiting approaches, develop and deliver roundtable programming and provide unit support through commissioner service. Did I mention the application of technology and the ability to collaborate quickly and efficiently?

Some of the best memories I have of Scouting have been because I offered to help with District and Council events.  I found that being of service was not only personally fulfilling, but I had many opportunities to develop my skills and make long-lasting friendships. Please consider making the same choice.

I am so happy to be a part of Bay-Lakes Council and to have the privilege of working with all of you. Here’s to a successful and exciting Fall!

Roy LaPean
Council Commissioner

“Commissioners – useful, not ornamental!”