Spring is in the air and Scouts, Leaders, and Volunteers are back in camps!
Earlier this month we hosted a Maple Syrup open house at Camp Bear Paw where we dedicated the new STEM center and recognized the many volunteers who have dedicated tireless hours to rebuilding that camp after the windstorms. Attendees were able to see the scope and quality of the improvements that were made.
Last weekend was the first of two Maple Syrup Day events to expose visitors to the process and technology behind the product. Upon returning home after the first event, a longtime leader remarked that it was the best run Council event he had ever attended! It was great to hear that confirmation of our efforts to improve our program delivery as well as the physical components of our camps.
While Scouting is more than camps and camping, <Continued> our Outdoor Program is an integral part of delivering the Mission of Scouting. Having the facilities and the trained staff to execute it is critical.
By now, you have hopefully seen our Scout Executive’s update about the status of the abuse lawsuit and the two neighboring Councils who have made the decision to close and sell camps. We don’t want to face that same decision.
What helps us avoid that is growing our membership and getting units and Scouts into our Council camps. Covid has made access to schools and those type events not possible this year, but several of our units have done a fabulous job reaching new families and adding new Scouts! Bay-Lakes Council is leading our 12 Council Area in new member growth this year. Thank you!
You will see other new and exciting events to give families a taste of Scouting and encourage them to join. AND, you can do more to help, without swinging a hammer or selling another batch of popcorn. You can help by getting your units and every one of your Scouts into our Council camps. The need has never been greater. If you have not signed up yet, please do it now! If you’ve signed up for an out of Council camp, please consider cancelling that reservation and camping with us.
The program list of the planned Council events are in this issue of The Guide. Choose one to check out the facilities and see the progress. By doing that now, you can help us continue to have the means to deliver our Mission for our Scouts as well as those who we hope to join us from those other Councils who weren’t able to keep their camps.
If we want to be able to have our local camps tomorrow, it’s time to make the decision to use them today.