How do families find units? Families can search for units by entering their zip code to find all the Scouting units closest to them.

What information do families see? The search results show up as pins on a map. Just click/hover the mouse over a pin on the map to show the unit information. Search results are also available in a list format.

How do families contact a unit? If a family is interested in learning more about a specific unit, they can click the Request More Information button. This will generate an email message to the primary contact email listed in the Unit Pin. This will also generate an Invitation in, which the Unit Key 3 can access and view in the Invitation Manager tool. Sending a prompt response to online Invitations is a great way to begin building a relationship with a new family. Click here for more instructions about the Invitation Manager.

How do families apply to join a unit? If a family is ready to join a new unit, they can either complete the process online through or submit a hardcopy paper application to the unit. Unit Key 3 members will receive an automated email alert if any applications are submitted online. will send if a new member applies online. The Unit Key 3 will need to log into to approve any new youth member who applies online.

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